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Whispers of Change: Bulgaria's Journey of Inclusion

Left post noon for Istanbul. I caught up on work/coffee and the girls on some local sites/shopping! We had hoped to break our long drive with a nice lunch at Greek village but as it turns out, the cook at the cafe was absent that day and all the bar lady could do for us was some cheese toasties. Unremarkable on the plate but still one of those rare experiences where one gets to dine on the border of two nations, two cultures, the influence of both evident in the language and products available, even if not on the plate!

We hit the road again, continuing our journey towards Istanbul. The Turkish border was a long wait, and I was a bit surprised to see women in hijaabs smoking in the insurance office (the assumptions we carry!) as also half a dozen peacocks just strutting about the border check point!

Istanbul is a blend of history, culture and spirituality. Into this blend is also added, in no small measure, Sufism, with its focus on love, unity and contentment. It is a spiritual path that encourages us to see beyond superficial differences and recognize the inherent value in every individual.

Within religious communities, the perspective on IDDs can be complex and multifaceted. Truly a sensitive issue that demands careful consideration. Sufism emphasizes the importance of embracing and accepting all individuals, including those with diverse abilities. So then, did God intend to create an #inclusiveduniya?


Other religious traditions too put forth the notion that the divine indeed desires a world where every person is valued and given equal opportunities to thrive. They teach that the worth of an individual is not determined by their abilities, but rather by the purity of their heart and their capacity to love and be loved.

Istanbul is a confluence of cultures and its unique geographical position gave me a lot of fuel for thought on how an ideal inclusive world might look A spiritual path that beckons to the infinite compassion transcending superficial differences, the Grand Bazaar that is expansive, an almost infinite array of colours, smells, sensations, and blooming racial diversity – yup, pretty close to how I envision my #inclusiveduniya!