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Inclusion Against Adversity: Oskar Schindler's Legacy

It was a short 5hr drive to Munich, and we got in early pm. Our first order of business was meeting @platehunter69 who had been in touch wanting to click our Delhi plated car in Munich. I had a proper #TIL moment learning about the small but passionate community of platespotters – their enthusiasm made this roadtrip so special for us!


Pics done, we checked into our hotel. Unlike other cities, Munich’s skyline is devoid of towering skyscrapers. Instead, it proudly preserves its medieval architectural heritage alongside practical low-rise blocks. It was a pleasant evening and I walked, enjoying the mix of architecture, transport mediums and what felt like a regular non-touristy city after long!


This is not a city packed full of tourist sites, so keen to do something, I went for a contemporary experience called TimeRide – a virtual reality tour through the deep past of Munich. With a VR headset on, one can experience various aspects of ancient Bavarian ways of life, like riding a peacock carriage. Or fly high over the city when it was under the reign of the illustrious King Ludwig II. It would have been so cool but as it turned out, I had missed the last English tour by 10 mins, so had to just marvel at the tech, rather than the actual show!

From the quaint streets to the depths of virtual worlds – the way we explore history is changing rapidly. In fact, the way we learn anything at all is changing and becoming


experiential, even if virtually, and hopefully more impactful. So, what potential does this hold for the neurodivergent learners? If history can be explored through VR, why can’t the dynamics of the human psyche?


Well, this is already happening. From using VR to learn life skills (like crossing roads) to social emotional learning (ask @sj_2216 about the product she built), there is lots that can be achieved using VR. But flipping this, could immersive experiences help the #neurotypical folk connect with the #neurodivergent folk in a meaningful way?


In an age where we bury our faces into our phones to escape the world around, it feels good to know that these virtual realities can also play a role in making an #inclusiveduniya in the real world!