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IDD-Friendly Hotels: How to create Home Away from Home

As we travel through Ordu again, I can see the black sea coastline, running alongside us. Turkey is known for many things, its beautiful scenery, its food and its culture. It is also known for controversial topics such as its stem cell therapy research.

Stem cell research therapy has been a hot topic in recent years, offering potential treatments for various conditions but it is also a topic that needs more questioning. This form of therapy involves the repair of specific genetic sequences in the cells of a fetus, such as those associated with perceived disabilities like Down Syndrome. Stems cells are special cells that are able to shapeshift into any form of cell based on their genetic code, which can of course, be altered through human intervention.

What makes one life worth living and another worth fixing? Is it based solely on the absence or presence of specific desired abilities? Would interventions like stem cell therapy exist in a world where a diversity of abilities are nurtured rather than one where the vast spectrum of human experience is narrowed down to merely a few accepted perspectives on life?



During my time in Ordu, I learnt some interesting facts about the coastal city’s history, including its rebirth in the year 1883 when the entire city was consumed by fire and had to be rebuilt from the ground up. As history tends to repeat itself, maybe the next rebirth happens when a metaphorical fire burns our collective limited perceptions of life itself, rather than a physical one that leaves but ashes in its wake.

Thanks to @goibibo @indianoilcorp @pumaindia @tatapunchofficial for supporting this rally for an #InclusiveDuniya