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From Legends to Empowerment: 2 Years of Inclusive Duniya in Transylvania

The day in Krakow started with a fabulous early morning virtual workshop training teens in Delhi to be InclusiveDuniya Circle facilitators.. love this 21st century super connected world we live in! And then the day got even better with the arrival of Kasia, a dear friend from my days at Pearson. We walked around the old town and the Jewish quarter, checked out the many beautiful churches and book stores and soaked in the history and personal nostalgia in equal parts..

We also spent a lot of time talking about neurodiversity inclusion, my current work focus and the comparisons with English language teaching, an industry we both worked in previously. Specifically, during my time on the @bellfoundation trust board, I witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by individuals with language disadvantages. That experience is what made me want to work towards solving the disability disadvantage in a way…

If the neurodivergents among us cannot access language they cannot gain access to one of the most crucial resources in the journey towards an #inclusiveduniya – knowledge and information!

Over lunch, thanks to Kasia, we met the founder of atypika and exchanged notes on where each of our countries are with neuroinclusion, specifically in the world of work.


While we walked and talked, Kasia’s father visited museums. Seeing him relate his experience with such acuity made me think that Museotherapy, an emerging concept that explores how art, culture, and museum visits can have a therapeutic effect on neurodivergent folk, is worth exploring! The incredible way art/history can stimulate our senses, evoke emotions, and spark our imagination – for neurodivergent individuals, it can be even more powerful. Museotherapy acknowledges that and seeks to create inclusive spaces where everyone can engage, learn, and grow. I would love to explore this concept further with @nathaliebondil and @slegari, the people behind the birth of museotherapy

All in all, a fab day, hanging out with Kasia, going back in time, both in our personal lives as well as local heritage. Feels good to be reminded of why we began our journeys in the first place, sometimes, doesn’t it?