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Disability and Allyship 101

‘Disability and Allyship 101’ series aims to inform, educate and sensitize caregivers, allies and the curious about intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), and everything related to it. This introductory batch of articles begins from the beginning. 

It explains the umbrella term, the four most commonly known but ill-understood neurodevelopmental conditions, the challenges they come with, ways to diagnose and seek help. 

The pack creates awareness on valuing and respecting persons with IDDs while translating what that would mean on a day-to-day basis — in words and action. We also reach out to you, the friend and ally, to amplify the need for equal rights for all, including ~35 million people in India with IDDs. 

Intellectual and developmental disability (IDD), formerly known as mental retardation, is a cognitive impairment caused by trauma to the brain, environmental and/or genetic factors making it develop differently than a typical human brain …

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One of the biggest challenges faced by new caregivers while researching on the internet is the confusion caused by the seemingly interchangeable use of terms “intellectual disability”, “learning disability”, “learning disorder”, and “learning difference” …

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It’s common college lingo. The sentiment of exasperation flies effortlessly with these words. Any raised eyebrows or hints at the inappropriateness are met with an I-didn’t-mean-it-like-that…

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The maze of disability language is fraught with peril. There are clear frustrations, even among the allies, over which words and phrases to use as the disability language has been evolving, and rapidly, over the past few decades to better represent the community…

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Disability is a social construct, and therefore, it can be deconstructed as well to make way for diversity and inclusion. But to deconstruct anything one must first understand its building blocks, and ableism forms the largest chunk…

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An ally is a supporter, an associate, a colleague, a partner, a friend…

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This is a fact-first primer on Down Syndrome. It aims to inform, and sensitise caregivers, peers and all readers about what this condition looks like, means medically, and the developmental differences it comes with...

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This is a fact-first primer on Autism Spectrum Disorder. It aims to inform, and sensitise caregivers, peers and all readers about what this condition looks like, means medically, and the developmental differences it comes with

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This is a fact-first primer on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It aims to inform, and sensitise caregivers, peers and all readers about what this condition looks like, means medically, and the developmental differences it comes with...

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This is a fact-first primer on Cerebral Palsy. It aims to inform, and sensitise caregivers, peers and all readers about what this condition looks like, means medically, and the developmental differences it comes with...

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