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00 (123) 456 78 90

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Our #InclusiveDuniya is an ongoing engagement with people who are agents of change. 

We want to bring a neuro-inclusive lens to the everyday trailblazers out there. Through education and interactive activities, we make becoming an ally for neurodiversity a fun and accessible experience for everyone. Our aim is to foster a community of friends and allies who envision an inclusive world where all individuals can thrive and reach their full potential.

Does that sound like you? Explore our past campaigns and come along as we embark on the journey of inclusion!

In the wake of the pandemic, we witnessed a setback in supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (PwIDDs).

As the world shifted online, the neurodivergent community faced challenges of exclusion. Determined to make a difference, we launched StepUp4Sarvodya. 80 individuals across 12 cities came together, walking, running, and cycling throughout August 2020, covering 25,000 kilometres. Their footsteps echoing a message of inclusion and solidarity, sparked conversation and raised awareness. With every step, they opened hearts and illuminated the path toward a more compassionate future.


Naina’s #InclusiveDuniya
Comic Series

In 2021, we launched the Inclusive Duniya comic series on Instagram with a mission: to bridge the gap of understanding surrounding neurodiversity and disability inclusion. Why a comic? Because sometimes, the weightiest topics are best carried on the wings of simplicity.

Meet Naina, our neurotypical protagonist. Throughout her adventure, our goal was to inspire gentle shifts in perspective, inviting everyone to embrace diversity and foster deeper understanding by building bridges together.

As you leaf through the stories flip through the pages of Inclusive Duniya on Instagram, let its vibrant illustrations and heartfelt stories remind you of the beauty in our differences and the common ground we share. 

2022 was a year of action and impact driven by our amazing volunteers. We partnered with over 6 colleges, engaging students and educators in our cause.

During  July-August, 100 dedicated volunteers ignited 200 conversations within their communities, spreading the message of neurodiversity and neuroinclusion.

Our volunteers are the heartbeat of Inclusive Duniya, embodying allyship and driving positive change. They’re changemakers agents of change and the embodiment of allyship. Through rigorous training, they became torchbearers of neurodiversity, understanding its multifaceted nature and championing neuroinclusion with the simplest gestures.

#InclusiveDuniya Circles

Naina’s trip to an #InclusiveDuniya

Back in July and August 2023, Naina, our mascot, embarked on a globetrotting adventure spanning 30 countries. 

As she traversed continents and crossed oceans, Naina and our founder Pooja sparked discussions that echoed through city streets and towns. Their journey wasn’t just about spreading awareness; it was about embracing the richness of human experience in all its forms.

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Youtube channel

Allyship is stronger together!

Stay updated on our conversations and explore how to become an informed and engaged ally:

Allyship 101

(Un)Learn and build your allyship foundation with our blog series.

Facebook Groups

Connect with a supportive community dedicated to inclusion.

Whatsapp Groups

Join the conversation and ask questions in a safe space.